Pattaya's unofficial mayor-elect inspects unfinished major footpath repairs in Pattaya, vows change

芭堤雅 —

Pattaya's unofficial mayor-elect Poramase “Beer” Ngampiches inspected unfinished major footpath repairs in Pattaya by himself recently to directly receive concerned citizens' complaints.

On May 26th, Poramase Ngampiches, the unofficial mayor-elect, traveled to Soi 6/1 on Threpprasit Road, Pattaya, to check on the unsurfaced and unfinished pavement repairs following numerous complaints from concerned citizens.

Poramase 告诉芭堤雅新闻,他是代表芭堤雅的相关公民来到这里的。 他已经联系了这个名为 Promkarn Rayong 的项目的承包商,该承包商说他们应该在人行道下铺设一条新管道,但被省水务局的管道阻挠,迫使他们暂时停止运营并离开光秃秃的人行道和所见的孔。

Promkarn 表示,他要求有关当局拆除旧管道,但仍在等待回应。

就目前而言,Poramase 表示,承包商将在人行道上堵住随时可能坍塌并造成严重伤害的洞。


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